Monday, April 16, 2012

Maria Parlapiano, Registered Nurse, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Postpartum Place, Chatham, NJ

An Open Letter in Support of Emma Kwasnica and all of us who have posted breastfeeding images
April 16, 2012

Dear Facebook Management,
Have you ever been expected to perform a task that you have never done before or even seen anyone do?  I hope not!  But that is exactly what mothers are up against as soon as they deliver their babies. Perform the skill of breastfeeding.  A skill that is so foreign, most women have never seen it done - ever!  Why? Because the visual image of breastfeeding has been completely lost!   Unless, we see images of women breastfeeding or allow nursing in public (which is the normal way to feed human babies), reproducing that skill set over and over, is nearly impossible.  Think about it.  How can something be normal when no one normally sees it?  How can we reproduce a skill we've never seen done?
There are not many people I know of who would like to be placed at such a disadvantage at their job or sport. But most importantly, a baby depends on its mother to properly know the skill set of breastfeeding yet the mother needs to depend on a society to foster that skill set, not degrade it!
Facebook, by your own conception, is an on-line society.  You have thus bestowed upon yourselves a social responsibility to allow breastfeeding images as a normal life experience - anything different is absolutely unacceptable.
Maria Parlapiano RN IBCLC
Postpartum Place
Chatham, NJ